Tuesday, December 30, 2008

To Sing the Praises of the Diva Cup

So I finally got around to trying the Diva Cup that's been lying around, waiting for me to gather the courage to put the darn thing in. And I'm already completely sold. I feel like a new woman! Seriously, though, if you haven't already, run out and get one immediately. The amount of waste produced by years and years of menstrual products - multiply that by alllllllllllll the women who use them - is pretty appalling. But with Diva's help, I am on my way to a greener lifestyle. (Side note: this is part of my larger effort to stop being a schmuck and do things like recycle vigorously, waste less electricity, and so on and so forth).

Yes, the thing gets you more in touch with your inner workings than perhaps you'd like to be. But you know what? I think that's a good thing. Case in point: the first time I emptied it, my first thought was "ugh, gross." But then my immediate second thought was "oh...pretty!" It's making me laugh just thinking about it, because it sounds so corny, but my feelings toward my period are honestly more positive than they've ever been. And as a bonus, it doesn't make me feel like my organs are being stabbed, like tampons do when I've got cramps. If you're not already sold, the coup de grace: it only needs emptying once or twice a day.

I can't believe I didn't catch on to this earlier. It feels like I've just joined a cult or something...hah.

And now for something completely different:

I found this little guy in the basement the other day; apparently it was my dad's when he was a kid. His pants are a bit moth-eaten, but Schroeder has always been my favorite and I was pretty excited to find him. The Beethoven sweater just kills me. After washing him off and setting him aside to dry, I later looked over to see that he was warming his hands by the fire.


  1. Dude, I bought my diva cup ages ago but haven't been able to use it. I left it home because I wanted to try it in a comfy, controled environment (unlike college? lol), but I kept NOT getting my period over breaks. WTF. I'm just gonna take it with me to Brown now. I might start birth control, too, so that will obviously make my periods regular again.

  2. I was the same way - I waited several months before finally using it in the comfort of my home. It takes a bit of getting used to the first time or two, but you get used to popping the thing in no time. And I didn't have a single leak, even the first time.
