Friday, January 9, 2009


Last Sunday, my friends from Drum Major Academy, some of whom I hadn't seen in years, FINALLY FINALLY had a reunion in New York. We're all about equidistant from the City in different directions, so it worked out perfectly. Seeing old friends and having the rapport be exactly the same as you remembered it being is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world.

L-R: Becca, Katy, me, Christine

Being goofy at Toys 'R' Us.

Drum Major Barbie?

Christine's friend Mike was our amazingly good-humored photographer.

They're all such beautiful women, and it's funny to think that not only did we all go through the shared, intense experience of DMA (two years in a row), but that we then went on to be leaders of our respective bands. Seriously, you get four former drum majors together, and we could probably take over the world if we wanted to. I'm the only one who's still doing something similar (in that I'm head conductor of the Brown Band), but Katy is a music ed./voice major, Becca still plays her trumpet, and Christine dances (Bhangra, I believe) - so we all kept on "doing" music in some way or another. I hope it won't be another three years before we're able to do this again.

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