Friday, January 2, 2009

Let's make a resolution! Let's always stay friends!

Happy New Year, one and all! My eve was certainly epic. Here's to 2009 being...a better year than 2008.


1. To blog semi-regularly. (Ten points for being off to a good start!)

2. To take waaaaay more pictures.

3. To exercise twice a week - yoga on Sunday and one day at the gym. Between that and conducting I should be getting a full-body workout (enough of one for me, anyway). It's not that I want to get in shape - I hate the fact that so much of the whole "New Year's Resolution" concept is based on weight-loss etc. - but that I know my mental/emotional state is just so much more chill when I exercise regularly. Makes me feel good all over.

4. To eat healthy cereal for breakfast instead of Lucky Charms. I'm off to a good start - found this really tasty cereal called Puffins or something, and it's peanut butter-flavored (yes please) but not sugary, so I feel like that's a good in-between sort of thing to wean me off of straight up marshmallows for breakfast.

5. To do something awesome this summer. Details TBA.

6. To spend less time brooding/procrastinating by doing nothing, and more time being positive/procrastinating by doing something. It's not that I'll ever stop procrastinating, but I'll certainly feel better about myself if I waste time, say, doing pleasure reading or playing sax than if I waste time, say, checking my email fifty times in a row.

7. To stop picking my skin. (To dream the impossible dream...)

8. To relax my shoulders, rather than sitting with them hunched up. Also my hands - I need a looser grip on my pencil and my saxophone. A person can get some serious problems walking around with too much tension.

Challenges of the coming year include: picking a topic for my thesis, making money (or at least breaking even) this summer while still doing something worthwhile, starting to write my thesis, paying rent.

Excitements of the coming year include: my 21st birthday, my trip to New Mexico with Habitat, Becky's wedding, my second and final year as head conductor of the band, my Sarah-filled off-campus apartment.

We're all going to be okay. Here's to a happy and healthy year with love in abundance.

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