Saturday, February 14, 2009

All you need is ____.

No, but seriously, I hope you all have a blessed, love-filled day! Regardless of the sappy commercialism of the holiday, I have no problem with having an excuse (not that we should need one) to tell our loved ones why they're so important to us. And maybe even show some extra love to those who might not be feeling much of it today.

Additionally, Feministing and The Kitchen Table have some action suggestions for Valentine's Day. One incredibly easy one (which requires no monetary donation) is to sign this petition for CVS to unlock their condoms. Almost half of CVS stores keep their condoms in a locked case, meaning that to get the condoms out you have to press a buzzer and wait for assistance from a pharmacist - if they come at all. And according to the petition, these cases are found disproportionally in minority areas (which, I suppose, would be why I've never seen one on the East Side of Providence). Awesome, CVS. Because people don't already have enough trouble getting education about and access to safer-sex practices.


  1. Good for you for bringing awareness to this issue. Seriously. We always think safe-sex education is so straightfoward, you never think about all the roadblocks that can be thrown in the way.

    Oh, and by the way, Scuzo...the holiday may be commercial, but the feeling is genuine.

  2. Here's to spreading the love. I love YOU.

    Also, in response to CVS: hideous. I have never seen that done. It's hard enough for people to buy them as it is, let alone behind a case. Thanks for getting the word out!
