Friday, February 13, 2009

Andrea Gibson

This woman is AMAZING. I'd only seen a couple of her videos on YouTube prior to seeing her tonight at the Underground, and I was completely blown away seeing her live. Incredible poetry, raw delivery, really powerful stuff - I was riveted and moved. Here are the two pieces that got me extra choked-up - the first is an argument for gay marriage and the second one is a particularly powerful one about soldiers returning from the Iraq war:

And here is the one that finally made me cry - about being positive and affirming in difficult times:

Okay, just one more - this one is adorable and hilarious, about how pre-schoolers don't give a hoot about gender identity:

If you have the chance to see her, do so immediately. She's also really sweet and personable, and she chatted at length with everyone who stuck around to say hello or have her sign her book of poems (like I did). Also, I gave her a stick of gum, for which she was very grateful. I felt like the coolest person on earth.


  1. Julia Kiselius, who was living with Masumi over the summer, introduced me to this poet. She is incredible. I am SO envious that you got to see her live!

  2. Yup, Julia's the one who introduced me to her too - in fact, she came up to see the show on Thursday!
